Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to Highlight Your Character and Individuality With Tattoo Designs For Girls

Today, tattoo designs are accepted and appreciated as legitimate forms of artistic expression. Indeed, the tattoo is one of the most intimate forms of art because of the thought and heart that must be put into the choice of which design to choose to permanently place on the skin. While the art of tattooing has gone a long way, in particular the achievements for tattoo design for girls are most prominent.

The cultural significance that explains why tattoos for girls are becoming so popular today is many. One of these is the character that the right design brings to any person, and to a woman in particular. While for men having a tattoo is considered to already be somewhat normal, for a woman, it means the capability to break free from the mold and to stand out for one's self.

The character of a woman can be highlighted to an even greater extent when the design is carefully chosen. After all, one of the reasons why tattoos have become so popular is because it is one of the best ways to personalize one's self in a way that clothes etcetera simply cannot copy. With clothes, the fashion and fad can be represented, but with a well chosen tattoo, the lifestyle itself of the person is encapsulated in the design.

Individuality and strength are some of the other traits that tattoos mean for many girls. In the past, western culture used the tattoo as a sign of the strong person who can stand up on his own.

These same tattoos can now be used by women to show that they too know how to fight for their own rights, and to show that they can make their voices be heard. And even more importantly, the choice of tattoo design for girls can symbolize not only strength but a woman's individuality.

For instance, a choice of a traditional dragon tattoo design for girls means that the woman values life and wisdom, because the meanings that are often attached to the dragon include life, because the dragon in cultures such as those in ancient china are considered to be the children of the gods and present when the world was first created, and wisdom, because the dragon is traditionally seen as an ancient creature wizened by all of its experiences.

The positioning of the tattoo design for girls is another important factor to consider, because the place chosen for the tattoo design can create great shifts in the meaning of a given tattoo motif, since it is natural for people to associate certain body parts with certain values and virtues.

Lower Back Tattoo Designs - How to Pick a Great Design

Lower back tattoo designs can be long and thin or rounded for the small of the back. Tattoos have been a part of the culture of civilized man since thousands of years. Back in those days however, it was not exactly common to see girls walking around the beach scantily clad with lower back designs poking out from their swimwear or jean shorts.

Usually people had either small pinpoint markings on their bodies signifying events, or decorative full body ink instead of simple low back tattoo designs. But in modern times, we have a certain social shame associated with conspicuous tattoos, so small lower back tattoo designs are a popular choice for most people looking for something inconspicuous that still adds some individuality and flare to their appearance.

Where to Find Lower Back Tattoo Designs

It is easy to see hundreds of examples of lower back designs by simply walking into a tattoo parlor and perusing the available sample materials that many of the shops have. Designs can be of anything from popular flower, butterfly or star arrangements to pictures of religious symbolism or faces of people.

Chinese characters are a popular form of back designs since they are compact, simple in terms of color or shading and can have a distinct meaning about the person that not everyone can clearly read at first glance. Looking through volumes of past designs can be helpful in formulating your own ideas, deciding what you want to get and also what you would like to avoid.

Online Lower Back Designs

If you are just beginning your tattoo search and are not sure what you would like, a good place to start is by checking out an online tattoo finder. Most will have a wide selection of your back tattoo designs in multiple categories and may even let you print a stencil for an artist.

Tattoo Ideas - Plenty of Designs Here By Joe James Jackson

Tattoo ideas are everywhere. Tons of people want to get Tattoos but are held back because they do not have any great Tattoo ideas that hold their individuality. Especially for first timers, not having good Tattoo ideas can be a big factor holding them back.

Tattoos are permanent, and not much makes you cringe more than seeing someone walk by with a really bad Tattoo. It is true that cover up Tattoos and Tattoo removal services are available, but nobody wants to get in that position in the first place.

Having great Tattoo ideas is your first line of defense against a bad Tattoo. But this is not to say it is worth over thinking, sometimes it is good to just remember that a legitimate artist will probably have a much easier time coming up with great Tattoo ideas than those of us who are artistically challenged. Here are a few steps to take if you are in need of some good ideas.

Visit the Artists

Do not be shy! Go into a Tattoo parlor that is local to you and talk to an artist. Tell them straight up that you really want to get a Tattoo but you are having trouble coming up with original Tattoo ideas. Most of the time if you know you want a Tattoo you will have some ideas of what you are attracted to and what you want to avoid.

An artist can ask you some qualifying questions to help you flush out your core design ideas, and likely even give you some samples to help you start the process. You will also get a good idea if you are comfortable with that particular artists abilities.

Shop Online

Take some time to look for Tattoo patterns online. There are many Tattoo finder sites that will host an array of images on their sites that are categorized by look. Many will even offer stencils for sale if you land on images you like.

Tattoo Removal - Do Tattoo Fading Creams Work?

Do tattoo fading creams really remove tattoos cheaply, safely, painlessly and completely?

That is difficult to determine by doing a simple web search because there is so much conflicting evidence that after awhile, you feel like you're going around in circles. Countless searches later, the question becomes not, "Do tattoo removal creams really work?" but more essentially, "Who should I believe?"

One useful place to go to answer that question is Amazon.com. Anyone can write a product review on Amazon, but I found the reviews of different tattoo fading creams to be interesting.

The reviews--when available--are very much either-or. The product being reviewed is either the best thing since sliced bread, or the opinion expressed is something like this, "The only reason I gave this product one star is that it's the lowest possible rating." or "I wouldn't recommend this product to my worst enemy even if doing so would end war forever." (I'm paraphrasing by the way, those are not direct quotes.) But what's really suspicious is how much the positive reviews have in common--almost as if the people who wrote them had been told which points to stress.

Then I noticed something very strange indeed: a sponsored link paid for by an "institute" that purported to offer expert, unbiased information on all tattoo removal methods. It's strange that a dot org--supposedly a nonprofit organization--would be paying to advertise on Amazon.com.

The website of this "institute," supposedly headed by a very generically named doctor (there is only one name given on the whole site, and there are what appear to be stock photos of some uncommonly good looking doctors) provides its visitors with ratings of different tattoo removal methods. Their conclusion:

The Fade Away Method is the only method that we know of that does not scar, cause a permanent change in pigment, or cut into the skin. With this method you do not have to worry about post-treatment infection or irreversible damage to your skin. Only patience is needed.

Their recommended method of removal is fading creams, and lo and behold, the brand of fading cream they recommend above all others in their "Tattoo Removal Comparison Guide," is the same brand I had been looking at on the Amazon page.

The only trial of tattoo fading creams done by a reputable and unbiased third party that I could find on the web is one done at the Philadelphia Institute of Dermatology and reported on by WPVI-TV Philadelphia. Two women each used a tattoo fading cream on one half of a tattoo they wanted removed, and had laser treatments on the other half. One of the subjects developed a rash after using the removal cream, and was advised by the doctor to stop using it. On the other hand, she was able to achieve significant fading of her tattoo after two laser treatments. The other subject also experienced satisfactory results on the half of her tattoo treated with lasers, but saw no visible results on the half treated with the tattoo removal cream.


It's difficult to give a definitive answer as to whether tattoo fading creams work or not. On the other hand, there is reason to suspect that many of the companies selling this type of product are not above planting positive reviews of their products on line. This suggests that they are lacking in scruples and business ethics. Add to that the fact that there are usually very few details available on their websites (or anywhere else for that matter) about the ingredients of their creams or identities of the people running the company, and I have to conclude that most of these products would be a risky purchase and probably turn out to be a waste of both your time and money.

Tattoo Choices - 2 Stupid Tattoos to Avoid

With more and more people getting inked, stupid tattoos are becoming more common. You should always give good, hard thought about the type of design you are going to get. It's actually easy to fall for stupid tattoos because of what seems trendy at the moment, and other factors as well. But here I will reveal 2 stupid tattoos to avoid so you will at least not fall victim to these horrendous tattoo traps.

1. The Chain Link Around The Bicep. If there was a "wall of shame" in tattooing history, it is quite possible that the chain link around the bicep tattoo could rank as number 1. Everyone and their brother seemed to jump on this trend bandwagon at one point. Suddenly it was ultra cool to get a chain inked around your arm. This is the one of the most popular tattoo designs which was completely void of any meaning at all. No one knew why they were getting this ink atrocity on their arms, they just knew it was supposed to be really, really cool. But what they didn't seem to know is that the 90's would eventually end and in the future people would heavily mock these tats.

2. The Drunken Cartoon Character Tattoo. If you've ever seen a crudely drawn cartoon character tattoo on someone, you probably suddenly wondered, "what in the world was this person thinking"? The problem was that they likely weren't thinking. They likely were three sheets to the wind. Drunk as a skunk. Inebriated beyond belief. This is how many of these cartoon creatures end up on human skin. These are highly regrettable ink choices, but even if you get a cartoon character out of free and sober will, everyone will still think you must have been toasted when you made that tattoo decision.

Cross Tattoos - Christian, Celtic, Tribal, and More Cross Tattoo Designs

Cross tattoo has been around for years and has never lost its appeal even up to the present day. The reason being is its universal meaning plus the powerful significance it can convey. It generally is a representation of one's spiritual beliefs and faith.

Aside from being a religious symbol, it is also use as in loving memory tattoo, also known as RIP tattoo. Sometimes, symbols like heart, banner and flowers are combined along with the name of the dead person and the death date. The cross is tattooed as a memory of a loved one who passed away as if serving as a gravestone on one's body.

This type of body art comes in many forms. It was a favorite among the old school type of tattoos patronized by bikers, seaman and merchants. It can be seen combined with other elements such as skull, star, flames, dagger, rose, heart and banner.

Celtic cross is another popular cross tat design which is a representation of Irish, Scottish or Welsh heritage. It is easily identifiable as it is interwoven with Celtic knot which is a symbol of the never ending cycle of life. Some tat enthusiasts also choose to incorporate tribal art into their tattoo design while some choose the Gothic style of cross tat.

The Christian cross tattoo is the most popular form that is meant to symbolize one's faith in God. It can be in the form of Latin cross (simple cross) or in the form of crucifix bearing Christ's image while he was being crucified. It can also be combined with other religious images such as the angel, the rosary, image of Mary and Jesus Christ.

The symbol of cross as a tat image is usually inked small, perhaps to retain the sincerity of their symbolism. It is usually seen on small parts of the body such as the ankle, foot, wrist, upper back and arm. Cross tattoo, with its wide appeal and holy implications will always remain as a tat image that will be around for more years to come.